Blog for the Boys

As you can tell our little baby is looking much more like a little boy. He is so animated at 11 months old. It makes it very hard to take a good picture of him. He is moving constantly. He is about 29″ and we have stopped guessing on the weight. Our scales say he is still only 20 lbs.

Jeremiah continues to discover new things. He now dances to any music he hears (he shakes his arms up and down – the faster the music the faster the arms shake). He has been responding to noises outside too. He will look up and ooh when he hears a plane and he barks when he hears a dog. If we are outside he can find both of them.

He has become very “helpful” in the kitchen. He pulls out every bowl and pot he can reach. He has only tried a couple of times to crawl into the cupboard for the things in the back. (I am sure he will soon). He takes silverware out of the dish washer (before it has been cleaned – won’t touch it if it is clean) and was thrilled to find out that he could push the bottom rack in and out. Between that and playing with the magnets and the measuring cups it usually gives me enough time to get a few things done in the kitchen. Of course, I have to go pick everything up after he has been in there.

Jeremiah is also improving on many skills. He is walking quite well now. He made it from the living room to the sink in the kitchen. He had to see what Andy was making him to eat. He has also started carrying things as he walks. He got his first pair of shoes this week and they don’t seem to bother him or slow him down. (I was hoping for a slow down)

He has finally learned to take bites of his banana, instead of shoving the whole thing in his mouth or sucking it in. I still have to hold the banana to make sure it isn’t too much. He continues to want to eat everything in sight. He has gotten pickier about how he eats his food. He does not want all of one thing and then the next. Oh no, he wants to eat a little of everything. This is all done without the help of teeth. We are thinking maybe he will get some before his first birthday, but some people have been thinking they were coming since he was four months old.

He continues to mimic our words. He latest word and probably the one he is most proud of is water bottle “wawa baba”. He gets so excited when he says water bottle and we give him a drink. He gets a great big grin like he is saying “they finally understand me”. He also
says his version of belly button as he tries to find his belly button.

This month has been full of play. Trucks, cars and our new tractor are the favorites. He makes the vroom sound when ever he is playing with them or he wants them. He is still good about reading. Andy took him to the library and he found a dog book. He woofed the rest of the way through the library. He also is playing with us more. He especially loves when we put the top together for him or hold the “boombox” so he can make it play. I have been pretending to sleep on the couch and when he comes up, I make noises at him. Yesterday he came running up to “scare” me this time.

He was a referee for Halloween. Of course he wouldn’t put his arms up and do touchdown for anything. He definitely has a mind of his own.

On a different note everything with the fires has cleared up. We were very glad to get to go outside again. It was hard keeping Jeremiah in for a week and a half.

11 months is such a great age. I need to go and get some stuff done before Jeremiah wakes up. I hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you later.


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  1. The Gardners

     /  November 7, 2007

    He is growing so fast! I love it! Lorelai is mesmerized by dirty silverware also…hmmm…weird… 🙂

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