Blog for the Boys

We had Jeremiah’s First Birthday Party yesterday. It is so weird to think he will be one on Thursday!

Jeremiah had a great time with just a few friends from out here. He was actually very social and loved running around the big room in the clubhouse. We had a football cake for him and a football field cake for everyone else. Andy put a football tattoo on his tummy.

He had so much fun eating cheese off of Andy and Eddie’s plates. He just kept walking back and forth between the two of them. He got mad at me when I said he had had enough snack. So he went over and found the crackers in the bag under the table. He was so proud of himself.

Jeremiah liked the candle on the cake, but didn’t know how to blow it out. We only worked on it a little bit. We’ll learn that one for next year. I gave him a little bit of frosting and that was all it took for him to dig into his cake. He was actually very neat. Of course, he wouldn’t want to waste any of the cake by dropping it on the floor! He acted a little bit like a bird pecking off of the cake.

After 5 minutes and a good bit of the cake missing, I took it away. BOY WAS HE MAD! But all was better when he got a little ice cream and then he was very content once he had a spoon of his own.

He did a pretty good job of opening presents. He actually pulled the paper off if I started it. He would then had it to one of his friends, Isaac. (Isaac is two. He didn’t really want it, but took it
anyway.) It was pretty funny. He got several books and outfits. He also got two or three fun toys. We lost interest in presents after a while, so we saved one from great grandma and the one from mommy and dad to open on his birthday. It was too hard to concentrate when Isaac was playing with his new toys! He was willing to shared, but wanted in on the action too!

So we survived birthday part one. We have more presents for Thursday and more cake too! I probably will wait to do his one year update, until after his doctors appointment on the 11th. It was a very active month! So look for that next week. I am sure we will put pictures on the web after his real birthday though.

To see more birthday photos click here.


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