Blog for the Boys

Oh, the memories of a year ago! He was so little. I now understand the comments of everyone else a year ago.

We went to the doctor today. He is 19lbs 4oz and 30 inches long. You would never guess he was that skinny if you looked at what all he ate, but if you watch him you see he burns all of it off in his two gears fast and faster.

At times, we are literally running after him. He is excellent at walking and can even carry things and turn around and go the other way. He loves to be chased and Andy is teaching him to tackle Mommy. He loves to play with anything that goes brrrrrmmm. He also loves music. His dancing has progressed to bobbing his head up and down and if he is standing bouncing up and down. The arms sometimes get going in there too.

He definitely understands a lot. He put the battery charger (that he wasn’t supposed to have) back on the shelf when I told him too the other day. And he shakes his head no when he doesn’t want to stop doing something we tell him to stop doing. We are learning to understand what he wants too. Wa-wa is when he wants a drink and banana when he wants food. Brrm is something with wheels or wings, or something that goes. O is open. And the list goes on. He definitely has his own gibberish and he uses it 90% of the time he is awake.

On his actual birthday, we gave him some more cake. We cut him a piece and sang to him. He didn’t know what it was at first, but Andy gave him a little bit of frosting. That was all it took. He picked up the whole thing and shoved it in his mouth. It was hillarious!! I guess he was afraid we would take that away too.

He is pretty much eating what we eat now. Thanksgiving was all the food we had, plus a banana of course! He has started drinking milk out of a cup. We were waiting for the ok to give him only milk. So we will see if he will drink from a cup at every meal or if we will need to hang on to a bottle for a little while. He does a really good job with the cup. He now recognizes the milk in the
refrigerator and pulls it out and carries it around the kitchen saying “wa-wa”.

The big news of the month happened the day after his birthday. He was crawling in to get breakfast and tried to use the fence to stand up. He fell over to the side and hit his head on the bar at the bottom. He has a BIG goose egg. It is less swollen now, but it is every color of the rainbow and looks awful. So our first emergency room visit at least waited until after his birthday. So, no family picture on the Christmas card this year. In case you were wondering,
it hasn’t slowed him down a bit.

We are looking forward to our trip to Indiana for Christmas. There is so much to do before we go. Hopefully you all have a great Christmas!


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