Blog for the Boys

Hello again,

Doesn’t it seem like I just e-mailed. We had another appointment
today and found out we are going to have weekly appointments until
the baby comes. So we will see how many we have before the baby
decides to make his appearance.

All was well at the appointment. I had a little bit of swelling, but
I figured that as my office was warm today. I think the baby has
started to drop a little, at least I don’t feel as sore at the top of
my stomach. (Either that or I am just getting used to it!)

At work today, I started getting opinions as to when they thought the
baby would come. The earliest is the 15th and the latest is Dec. 1st
(at least so far). We will see! Let me know if you have an opinion.
I think it is fun to hear what people guess! They won’t let me go
past two weeks after my due dates, so don’t guess past the 12th of

I will probably do an e-mail update in a couple of weeks, but I will
probably have Andy update the website after each appointment. So if
you want more information check the website.

It is so weird to think that definitely within 6 weeks we will have a
baby! How Exciting and Yikes!


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