Blog for the Boys


I am only 2 days late this time! Much better than January. Jeremiah turned 1 year and 2 months on Wednesday. He is getting to be quite the “big boy”.

The latest news is he got his second tooth yesterday. It is the top right. So he has one on top of the other. The bottom one is still not all the way in, but it is much for visible. The bottom left tooth looks like it will pop through at any second, but we still can’t feel it. Today Jeremiah started to figure out what teeth were for. I gave him a quarter of my apple and he loved gnawing on it. He left a couple of indention from the bottom tooth. He was so excited. In the process I actually got a picture of his tooth. It is not a good picture of him, but it is a good one of his tooth!

In other milestone news, Jeremiah has been putting himself to sleep at night. I know, I know it probably should have been done months ago, but there were too many trips and sicknesses. He is doing a great job. We have been rocking in his room for a few minutes after story time and tooth brushing. Then we lay him down. We were waiting in the room until he laid down, but I am pretty sure he has the hang of it now and we don’t need to do that anymore. Even with getting used to it, we only had to stay in there about 5 minutes.

Jeremiah was the hit of the library the other day. He insisted on walking out with a book in each hand. I had to hold on to his elbow as we made it to the car. One lady said I needed to charge admission to watch him. He is quite the ham! He was so excited to get new books.

To my surprise, Jeremiah has a really good memory. Maybe this is just the time that babies are supposed be able to remember what book is what and what is in each book, but I was not prepared for it this early. We got “Curious George” at the library. On each page George is hiding. By the next day Jeremiah could find George on every page. Then the other night Andy told Jeremiah to find the Barney the Backhoe book (Thanks, Bev & Trevor, it is a favorite!!). He went through the pile of books until he found Barney and then brought it over to Andy to read. So is this normal or should I start preparing myself for a smarty pants now!?!

Jeremiah keeps us laughing! The last couple of days he has figured out how to spin around. He has a really good pivot (future basketball player?). He spins until he starts to walk sideways. It is hilarious! Then he gets up and spins the other way. At least he knows how to unwind.

We are definitely keeping busy with our chatter box. Anyone who calls can hear him clearly!! Just this week he has started to put the phone up to his ear and actually listen to whoever is talking. He has gotten upset a few times when he gets the phone and no one is there. He won’t talk to the person on the other end, but I am sure that won’t take him long to figure out!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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