Blog for the Boys

Most mornings Jeremiah’s routine goes something like this:
– Wake up and jabber/cry until someone comes to get him
– Go downstairs and get a diaper change
– Ask for a banana (probably started this upstairs and continued during diaper change)
– Nichole or I tell him we’ll go find some breakfast and we head to the kitchen
– Jeremiah follows to the kitchen to make sure we’re really getting food for him and to continue to ask that his breakfast be a banana
– We get his breakfast ready while he plays in the cabinets while still trying to see if we’ve got a banana for him
– Once his breakfast is ready we put him in his high chair and feed him

All of this takes only a minute or two because he normally eats either instant oatmeal or a mini-bagel

This morning things started off like normal, but when I got the food ready and turned around to put him in his high chair (today was a bagel so it was ready in like 30 seconds after the diaper change) Jeremiah was not in the kitchen. So, I went back out to the living room to see what toy distracted him so much he forgot about breakfast. This is what I found:

Nichole had left some crackers on the floor by the couch sealed in a zip-lock back. Jeremiah had opened the bag, pulled the crackers out and untwisted the end of the cracker bag to get a cracker in each hand. He was very proud of himself for finding his own breakfast. So, he got crackers along with the rest of his breakfast today.

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  1. Anonymous

     /  February 14, 2008

    Little stinker….he is getting smart and sneaky! LOL! 🙂 I also love the video of him flying the plane and “helping” with laundry!! <3 Bec

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