Blog for the Boys

Hello Everyone,

1 year and 4 months down! Where has the time flown by? (Do I say that every month?)

We had a check up last week. Jeremiah now weighs 24lbs 4oz and is 31 1/4″ tall. He is in the 50th percentile in both. However he is in the 75th percentile in head circumference. So he has a big head. His weight has actually caught up with his height. With all he eats we are glad it is finally showing. We only had to get one shot, but it was a bad one. I think he pulled away before the nurse was done. The band-aid didn’t hold the blood and it ended up dripping on to me. I can’t imagine if we would have had to have another one.

Jeremiah continues to babble and get into everything. That pretty much sums up our days!

He has started to “make” things for us. He pulls a plate out of the dishwasher and sits in on the edge. Then he pulls a spoon out and stirs away. I asked what he was making the other day and he looked at me and said something very emphatically. I have no idea what he said, but there was no question that was what he was making.

Jeremiah has become very good at pointing out his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, fingers, toes, and hair. He can point out mine too, but it is a little more dangerous, especially the eyes! (The attached picture is an example) Andy taught him to put up one figure and say one. They worked on two and three, but one is all that stuck.

Last weekend Jeremiah and Andy were home alone. I had a women’s retreat. They had a great time. They got together and played with Isaac and Jacob, since Sharon and Baby Reece were up at the retreat too.

Jeremiah now “calls” Isaac at least 4-5 times a day on his play phone. He talks about him more when they are away from each other than when they are together.

I got back on Sunday in time for Jeremiah and I to get a fever. It has been a long week!!!! Our fevers finally broke on Thursday, but today is the first day I have actually felt like getting out. We took Jeremiah to the doctor on Wednesday to find out he had a double ear infection. So we have antibiotics for 10 days. I think Jeremiah thought he was going to have to get another shot.

Hopefully all of you are well and not having to deal with this cold!!!

Have a great week!


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