Blog for the Boys

Where does time go? I can’t believe we have an year and a half year old living in our house! Well I can sometimes, depending on how he is acting, but still!

We have had a busy month of discovery. I did not know what all this child was capable of! A few weeks ago I discovered that Jeremiah can put his block puzzles together by himself. It didn’t surprise me he could put the plane and the train in their spots, because he loves playing with them. But he can also put the 6 other vehicles in their spots and all of the animals in the other puzzle in their spots. He had not played with the animal puzzle for quite a while and he did it with out a problem!

I also decided this month to make a list of words he can “say”. Some he only says one syllable of the word, but we get the idea. And others sound an awful lot a like, but eventually we guess which ones he is talking about. I have a list of 70 plus words and that doesn’t include the animal sounds. I was very surprised at this discovery.

Our most recent discovery was two more teeth! He has them about half way back on the top. One on each side. We kept waiting for him to get the ones beside his front teeth, so I decided I hadn’t check the back for a while and sure enough there were two new ones. He is up to 6 teeth now!

Andy decided since Jeremiah was getting into everything he would loft the day bed in Jeremiah’s room. We had stuff stored under the bed that he shouldn’t get into. So now Jeremiah can play under the bed and all the “no touch” stuff is on top of the bed and out of reach. Andy got Jeremiah some new cars and tracks, so that is great space to put them.

We have been “flying” airplanes and helicopter all over the place. We took a kite to the park last week and flew it. Jeremiah loves anything in the air and has been finding planes as we drive places. (Good thing we have a small airport near by).

We went to Legoland twice this month. It was fun to go for free! I don’t think I would pay full price for Jeremiah at this age. There are too many things he can’t go on. But we went with friends and that was fun. We also went to the Wild Animal Park, probably for the last time for a while. It is sooo hot at the Wild Animal Park in the summer. So unless we go to play in the fountains, I think we are done til the fall.

But the biggest news of the month is that Jeremiah is taking swim lessons. After being in Florida and Jeremiah walking off the ledge in the deep end (and thinking it was hilarious), we decided we better go with it, instead of fight it. There is a swim school that specializes in teaching young children (6 months and up)to swim about 3 or 4 blocks from our house. His instructor is Damon and at the most there are 2 other children that he is helping. Today was his 3rd lesson and he did great!! He only fussed twice about leaving me to go swim with Damon. (Friday was fussing almost every time). He lets Damon put him underwater and he actually started to reach out to get toys from under water today. He is working on sit diving too. Attached is a picture of him.

We have an 18 month doctor’s appointment tomorrow. So we will find out his stats then. I will e-mail a quick e-mail after we find that out, but I actually had time to e-mail today so I figured I better do that while he is wiped out from swimming.

Hope all is well with you! We are headed to Indiana soon, so our July update will be late.


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