Blog for the Boys

I know you are anxiously awaiting the updated news, considering some of you
have already contacted me. The update is there is no update. I am at the
same place as far as dilation is concerned. The heartbeat was 126 so that
was good. I actually lost a little weight, I have ankles today, so I am
pretty sure it was all water!
It is so unbelievable that TOMORROW is the due date!  I am really hoping
he is a child who likes to be prompt! I am definitely feeling like I am ready
to have the baby. (Ok, most of the time)
I wasn't sure if I would go back to work today, but after having 5 days off
for Thanksgiving and finishing everything I needed to at home (and then
some stuff I didn't need to) I decided I need the distraction of work. Plus
it helps me be more active. I think I would have gone stir crazy at home!
So the next appointment is next Monday afternoon, if I make it that long.
At that appointment they will hook me up to the fetal monitor to make
sure everything is going well with the baby and do an ultrasound to make
sure there is enough fluid around the baby.
I will keep you all posted!

ps. Probably get a new picture up tomorrow.

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