Blog for the Boys

19 months
Hello everyone,

I warned you that it would be late, but my intentions were not to make it this late. We had a busy end of June and first part of July.

Jeremiah finished his first round of swim lessons in time to go to Indiana for 2 1/2 weeks. He did pretty well in swimming, however he learned the word “no” during that time too. So he was a little stubborn. He refuses to close his mouth when he goes under, but most of the time he holds his breath. He was doing pretty well at grabbing a toy underwater by the end. However he only grabbed it when HE wanted to. We are not sure when we will do more lessons, but I am sure we will at some point.

Jeremiah had a WONDERFUL time in Indiana. He got to ride everything that had wheels and a steering wheel at Grandma and Grandpa Caughell’s. Then he got to “pet” every kitten imaginable at Grandma and Grandpa Merrill’s. He loved it. Then we went to camp and there were guitars and pianos everywhere!

Jeremiah learned to sing the “baa-ba-bah” part of “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog” (Joy to the World). Grandpa Caughell taught him that and every time he came home we had to go listen to it in the big truck. Of course there was a lot of honking too. They also had the dinner bell hung up so every time we were outside we had to ring that. The neighbors must dread when Jeremiah is in town, it is so much louder!! The highlight might have been riding the four-wheeler to get fresh raspberries from around the field. He was a mess!! However he cleaned off by “helping” Grandma water the flowers. The way I understand it there was more water on him than on any of the flowers.

He was also “helpful” with Grandma Merrill. He helped her feed and take care of the kittens. Of course the kittens were not nearly as excited about this as he was. He got to play the piano, too. He had never played a full size piano and he had to hit the keys at both ends. Grandpa’s computer was a big hit too! It was just his size and had a “ball” to move on the mouse.

Jeremiah did really well with the senior highers at camp. He gave them “five” and “knuckles” so they thought he was pretty cool. He loved the music and the running around. We were so grateful that Grandma Merrill could come up and watch him. The bubbles (left from our wedding) were a big hit!! He is now trying to use his boat in the bathtub to blow bubbles.

We have been home about a week and a half and are just now getting caught up. We had to see all of his friends. Isaac and he could not stop touching each other the first Sunday we got back. They were so excited to see each other. We have been to the library and parks, too. Every toy he owns has been out. I guess he is taking inventory to make sure everything is there.

I started working the first of July, but am not working right now. We will see when I start working again. The project I was working on has been put on hold.

Jeremiah has started to say phrases now. The first was in Indiana when he said “more iced tea” (actually “more I T”), which also sounds like Isaac and TV. So it is interesting guessing what he is saying. The other day in the car he informed me “airplane in sky” over and over again. My favorite was yesterday when we were coming home and he started saying “Isaac, are you?” He has learned the fun of peek-a-boo. So he is a funny, funny boy.

Andy taught him to tackle and pin. I thought I was getting a hug, turns out it was a pin. But he is giving “Big Boy Hugs” where he wraps his arms around your neck, Andy taught him that too!.

Jeremiah has also started to pray for most of our meals. Most of the time he skips to Amen when we say let’s pray. But sometimes we get Dear Jesus, thank you food. Amen. He is also really good at saying Amen when someone prays longer than he thinks they should. That is tons of fun in church!

I am sure there is more, but you will probably get the August Update closer to the beginning of the month, so I will fill you in then.

Hope all is well there! I have attached the 19th month picture. It is a “cheese” picture. Check out the blog for videos and more pictures –


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