Blog for the Boys

Hello everyone,

It is amazing to me how much happens in such a short amount of time. I feel like I just wrote and yet there are several things that have happened in the last couple of weeks.

Jeremiah has gotten really good at identifying pictures, especially ones of animals. He can say the names to almost all of the animals on his “See and Say” and most of them in his books. His latest character discovery has been Yoda – “Oda”. Andy and Eddie were playing a video game the other day with Yoda in it and now he is obsessed. Good thing Grandma Merrill made him a Yoda bag for his birthday last year. That way he can look at it and I don’t have to figure out how to get the game set up for him to see Yoda. We also have Yoda as our wallpaper on our computer. So that is satisfying his need for Yoda now. The funniest part is he thinks Yoda is a monkey!!

He is also sure that Grandpa and Grandma Caughell are on our TV. Andy let him watch a preview clip for a new video game (Pure) and Jeremiah is just positive it is Grandpa and Grandma. The game has people on four-wheelers doing all kinds of flips and tricks and jumps. It is hilarious!! He will set there and watch it real intently and then chime in every once in a while when it is Mam-ma or Bap-ba on the screen. I can’t wait until we are in Indiana again and he wants them to really do those tricks! (Better be practicing Grandpa and Grandma!!)

Uncle Nich is also a celebrity in Jeremiah’s eyes. We were watching Dinner: Impossible on Food Network and he is absolutely sure that Robert Irvine is Nich. He had on a hat and he has glass similar to Nich’s, so I guess that was enough for Jeremiah. Of course he wanted to know where “Ju-gee” was, because you can’t see Nich with out Julie.

I know it sounds like we let Jeremiah watch a lot of TV, but we really don’t. He is busy enough with out the stimulation of TV.

In other news, Jeremiah now has 8 teeth. He got a set of bottom molars last week. So he has the front four and four molars. I can tell he is enjoying the new teeth as he chomps down on his food.

As, you can see from the picture he still loves to eat. He is a SOLID boy. He has turned in those chubby baby rolls for solid legs. We have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t “touch” other kids too rough. He really is a touchy boy. He is not being mean, he just has to have his hands on his friends. He has also gotten tall. I measured him standing up against a door the other day and he was almost 34″.

Speaking of his picture, he has figured out what to do when I get the camera out. Today he ran over and got the ball and then he tried to put the blanket out that he sits on. He refused to say cheese or smile, but he held that pose for a long time until I gave in and took the picture. Where does he get his stubborness from?

Last night he added to his vocabulary the word “home”. He was so excited to say it when we got in the car after the store. Then this morning he said “Daddy… home”. So I guess now he thinks he can tell us when we are supposed to be home.

He has turned into quite the comedian too! He thinks everything is funny, especially himself. Last night Andy and I thought he was asleep. The monitor had been quite for 5-10 minutes when all of a sudden he just burst out in to a big belly laugh. Then it got quiet again. At least he is entertaining himself. He is a funny boy! (Attached is also a picture of him eating raspberries after he stuck his figure into the hole. Another thing he thought was hilarious.)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Andy and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary this weekend. Pray for Sarah as she watches Jeremiah. Last weekend when Becca watched him, he fell coming in the door and had a bruise all the way down his face. He has finally figured out how to run and I am sure he got going way too fast. Maybe he will slow down this weekend. Ha! Ha!

Talk to you all later,


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