Blog for the Boys

21 months
Hello Everyone,

You would think it was the middle of July here in California. It has been hot and humid. If any of you have seen the latest video on the blog, you will notice the lack of clothes on Jeremiah. He is such a sweat ball, it has just been easier to wear only a diaper.

Since it has been so hot Jeremiah got a haircut. Andy buzzed his hair while I bribed him with raisins. He did really well the first half with out the bribe, but we definitely needed those raisins to make sure everything was even. I am attaching a picture of him with his new hair and his sunglasses. He used to hate sunglasses, now he thinks they are funny. He especially likes to put the end in his mouth like Daddy does.

I think the biggest difference this month is in Jeremiah’s speech. He still doesn’t say words properly, but there are very few words he won’t try to say. You can also tell that he is trying to put sentences together. He keeps telling us “eat” pause “in mouf” as he points to his mouth. He managed to put together “kick the ball” yesterday. It is really neat to watch him try to figure out how to say what he wants. He also sang his first complete song a couple of weeks ago. He woke up from his nap and when I went to get him he was singing “Happy birth to ew”. He will sing it 4 times, but it is the same notes each time. Now he puts in “guy” or “Oda”(Yoda).

Everything is about a guy. Toys are guys and people (male or female) are guys. We had a “guy” come fix our sink and he still points to the cabinet under the sink and says guy. It is always a guessing game what guy we are talking about.

Jeremiah has discovered sidewalk chalk and washable markers. He wants to go out every night and do “eggs” – the sidewalk chalk is egg shaped. I really thinks he likes “washing” off the cats and Yoda that we draw, more than actually drawing. He loves hanging on to the hose. He does go around the whole patio and makes marks though. He is getting pretty good at making lines and tries to color in my pictures.

We are working on getting rid of the pacifier. Today was the first time without it at nap time. He is, as I am typing, having a hard time. But he can also put the whole pacifier in his mouth and it doesn’t look like he has it in there. So we are working on “giving it to Baby Reese”.

We have had a lot of fun with friends this month. Isaac and he can hardly go a day without asking for the other one. So we have seen them quite a bit. Starting next Sunday we will be going to the same church service, so they will get to hang out without us the whole time at church. Jeremiah went into his Sunday School class with no problems yesterday! He was just a little upset they weren’t watching the “guy” on TV yet, but no more tears.

Andy was gone for the weekend at a Men’s Retreat, so Jeremiah and I had a weekend to ourselves. It was good, but boy was I tired!! It made me really appreciate Andy’s help.

Jeremiah has also started to go to the bathroom in the toliet – every once in a while. If Andy or I asked if he wants to go, he will sometimes go “sit on Elmo”. Most of the time he sits, he actually goes. He has even told us he needed to go a couple of times, however I think he had already gone and realized he could sit on the toilet go a little bit and still get his piece of dried pineapple. There is very little that this child does not figure out!! But at least he is doing something.

So at a year and three-fourths, Jeremiah is still a very busy boy. We are having so much fun and sleeping so well at night – because of exhaustion!

Hope all is well with you “guys”!


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