Blog for the Boys

Where is this year going? It seems like it was just summer. We are still having summer like weather so maybe that is why it doesn’t seem like October. It was hot and humid most of September. Now we are dry and either hot or cold – the Santa Ana winds change the weather so much during October.

Jeremiah is now 22 months. The best we can hold him down to measure him – he is 34″ and 31 lbs. That means he is one solid boy!!! He still loves to eat. He especially liked Daddy’s birthday – he had all kinds of goodies that he doesn’t usually get to eat – pie, cookies, and ice cream. We tried green beans again and he did a great job trying, but just did not like them. He put them in his mouth 4 or 5 times and tried to chew, but one bite was as far as we got. I was just excited he tried!

He still is holding firm at 9 teeth, however there are 3 more that are very close to coming in and several more that are bumped up. He loves using his back teeth to eat, so I am sure he will love getting the rest in. He has also started to show us how to bite. He walks around with his jaws clamped together with a “Cheese” face.

Our favorite past times for the month are spinning, pretending to talk on the phone, “playing” drums and guitar with Daddy (Rock Band), “Eight and Nine” aka Hide and Seek, and “steam roller”. I do not understand how this child does not get dizzy. He will spin for minutes on end and then roll around the floor right afterward.

Since it has been so hot, we have been trying to stay cool. We have been to the park in the mornings at least once a week. We went to the Wild Animal Park a few weeks ago and played in the fountains again. We also have been doing sidewalk chalk at night and then running the hose over everything. He has gotten really good at squirting the water.

This past Monday was a little cooler and we went to Bates Nut Farm (a benefit of Andy working from home, he got to go too). Jeremiah loved running all over the big fields of pumpkins. He climbed around the pumpkins and in the piles. He loved the scarecrows. We got to ride on the hayride. Andy and I thought he was going to try to drive the tractor, but he didn’t. He also fed the sheep and goats. It was a lot of fun to go with friends. He got to “buy” a pumpkin and he now has to pick it up every time we go outside.

Developmentally – He has figured out 5 of the 6 basic colors. We have decided that purple is discriminated against. There are very few purple toys, so he hasn’t gotten that one yet. His vocabulary continues to grow and he is working on putting sentences together. The more difficult the word the more determined he is to say it. His friend Isaac is visiting family in Sacramento and he continued to tell me this morning. Isaac in “whatever the word was that ended in an O” (it sounded more like Mexico). He is getting faster every day. He has his normal run, which looks normal, and then he has his fast, determined run, which is really funny. His hips swing back and forth. He has gottten really good at going up and down steps and is at the point he doesn’t want help any more.

He has transitioned into Children’s Ministry really well. He loves watching the video and dancing to the songs. He has been praying for us at meals and now is praying by himself at night. Well, more thanking Jesus for the same things each night, but we think it is great for his age. He even sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus when I asked what he wanted to say to Him the other night. Too funny!

Well, I better go for now. Enjoy the pictures!


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