Blog for the Boys

Last Doctor’s Appointment

We went to the doctor today. I am 1-2 cm dilated. So at least there is progress! There is still plenty of amniotic fluid around the baby. We found out it is DEFINITELY a boy. Andy has the picture to prove it.

But probably the most exciting thing is that if the baby doesn’t come before, we will be induced on Wednesday morning. He originally said Sunday when he walked into the office, but changed it to Wednesday. He said we could go later, but the baby was just getting bigger and there were more risks if we waited. The downside is we go in to be induced at 5:30 in the morning and most of you know how much I love early mornings! He will be in surgery that day, so I think that is the other reason he chose Wednesday; he will be around the hospital.

So the next post will more than likely be of Baby Boy Merrill!

Thanks so much for all your prayers!


Oh, and if you haven’t figured it out. No one choose the 6th as the due date! So if he is born that day (hopefully he will be), he will have chosen his own day, not a big surprise!

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  1. Sharon & Jacob

     /  December 4, 2006

    Oh my gosh You’re going to have a baby in less than 2 days! I guess that means we’re bringing dinner to you guys this Friday! Yeahhh Baby Merrril is coming. Oh and Jake says Isaac picked Wednesday as the due date and forgot to tell us. 🙂

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