Blog for the Boys

23 months
November? When did that happen? Jeremiah is 23 months old. In less than a month, we will have a two year old. Not that life will be that different. He already is pushing the limits and testing. I just figure it will intensify and we will get better at not laughing when he does something he shouldn’t.

We have had a great month (and a little bit since I am late with this). The weather is still crazy warm. It is supposed to be in the upper 80s and 90s the rest of the week. We got some “rain” (light showers for you who live in other parts of the country) and thought we were going to cool off. Nope at least one more time of Santa Ana winds. So we are not out of fire season yet. Praise God it was not like last year with the fires.

Highlights of the month: Andy found a bounce house (moon bounce) on Craig’s List for $15. It has two tiny holes so we had to blow it up inside. Yes it took up almost the whole living room. It is 6 ft. by 6 ft. Jeremiah has definitely learned to jump this month. Both in the bounce house and on the floor. He wants to jump from the top step down the steps. Mean old mommy won’t let him. She is no fun at all!

The bounce house was instigated by all the big blow up ones for Halloween. “Pumpkin Patches” in the city are like little carnivals. We went to one early in the month that was an actual farm, but later went to one a few blocks away and it had all the big blow up stuff. Jeremiah bounced there and was sold. Then on Halloween we went to New Venture for their big Autumnfest and all he wanted to do was bounce.

Halloween was fun this year. Jeremiah was Yoda. After not wanting to try on the costume while I was making it, I figured there was no hope of him actually wearing it that night. But of course, he proved me wrong. He wore it the whole time, in the bounce house, with the baby animals, in the stroller. Of course it was like 85 degrees, so when we got back to the car he was a sweat ball. Jeremiah love the jack-o-lanterns, once they were lit. He did not like carving them and would have nothing to do with the insides. But he thought it was funny that we were carving them.

Sharon told me four or five months ago I would not believe how Jeremiah’s speech would change before his birthday. I thought I was prepared, but I was not. It is amazing. He is putting full sentences together. Usually ones that start with “I want…” and most of the time end with some kind of food item. Just this last week he has started telling people his name. So now he talks in third person – so funny.

We have been going to the park on Thursday mornings for a free music class. The lady brings her kids, a guitar and tons of small instruments for the kids to play. We go early and play on the slide and in the sand and then sing. Jeremiah usually just sits there and stares and plays his instruments. He is mesmerized by the guitar. Last week he woke up from nap and was playing in his bed before I got him up and all of a sudden he burst out singing the first half of “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. I guess he is picking up more than I thought. Then at the class he actually sang during that song. We go with friends so that makes it even more fun.

He also has gotten good at going up stairs and down the slide at the playground. We also figured out a month or so ago that he can swing on the “big boy swings”. Today he swung on one for at least 10 minutes. He likes the “baby swings” better because he can go higher.

He continues to love reading. We have been to the library every couple of weeks. This time we went, we got books he absolutely LOVED. We read them at least 5 times a day. Yesterday he got out his stuffed animals and “Jeremiah read”.

I don’t think I told you in the last update, but we are pacifier free! He was only using it at night until the first part of October. He was upset for about 5 minutes the first night it was gone, just a few minutes the next and then we were fine. Until we had teeth coming in, but then we wanted it in the middle of the day. He now has to sleep with a stuffed animal, but at least he can’t fit that in his mouth like he could the pacifier.

Tooth count: 12 – 4 molars. 4 on bottom in a row and 3 on top with a space and then one more. There are 2 or 3 more very close to coming in.

We are definitely becoming a big boy. But he still likes to be called “My baby boy”. (Not a baby, but mommy’s baby boy).

He is keeping us on our toes. We are having to be careful what we do since he is mimicking everything we do. (Like licking his fingers when he turns the page in the book or closing the cell phone with his chin.) All the great things they pick up!!

That is plenty long. Sorry there is tons more. Hope all is well there! Have a great Thanksgiving!


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