Blog for the Boys

27 months - 2 yrs 3 mon
Hi everyone,

Well, I made it over 2 years without missing a month. Not too bad. The question is did any of you realize? February and March blurred together. I can’t believe we are starting April. Where does the time go?

We (Jeremiah and I) fought off colds in both Feb.and Mar, which always make it difficult. Then it seems to take a week before we catch up with everything. So by the time the first one left and we got caught up, I think we had less than a week before the next one set in. We are doing well now though. I helped with a friend’s wedding last weekend so the week before that was filled with planning stuff. So all of that to say, I guess that is my excuse for not doing a March update.

So time to get caught up:
Jeremiah is still an active BIG boy. I looked at him the other day and thought, “my baby is all gone”. He looks so grown up – so tall. Then you listen to him and you realize he is not a baby anymore. He has started actually talking on the phone to people. Which is great, especially for family, but not so great for me when I am trying to schedule a dentist appointment and he wants to say Hi to the receptionist. Quite fun! He now holds the phone by himself and says “Hi ___. What ewe doin?” Sometimes he says “good” even when people don’t ask how he is doing. He got to talk to his friend Isaac on the phone a few weeks ago and they were sooo excited. It was hilarious. He usually “talks” to him every time he has his play phone out, but he thought it was hilarious that Isaac was actually talking back. They pretty much said “Hi” over and over. Friday night he “called” Reese and tried to share his ball with her over his toy phone. Also funny, but at least he is sharing with her.

28 months - 2 yrs 4 mon

He also LOVES to sing. When all else fails in the phone conversations, we can usually get him to start singing. However he has refused a few times, usually because snack is taking first place. I would say about 6 out of 7 days the first words I hear on the monitor in the morning is a song. This week it has been BINGO. However he is not content any more with just singing songs, he as moved on to where he makes up words for the songs. Right after I sent the February update, we were in the bathtub and he started singing “Wash, wash, wash the dirties out” (The original song is “Shake, shake, shake the sillies out). What a clever little munchkin he is. Since then more songs have gotten other words and some are just gibberish. The funniest part is he thinks he is hilarious and laughs at himself.

Jeremiah also told us he was ready to be a “big boy” on Friday. Andy told him when he could be a big boy we would take the gates down. So Friday he told us, “Meremiah take gate down. Big boy”. So the gate on the steps is gone and most of the gate between the kitchen and living room is down. We left a little to block off the closet and Rock Band stuff, but the rest is gone. Our house looks so big again!!

He is also doing really well on potty training. I think we have only had to change about one dirty diaper a week (so much nicer). He is still wet when he gets up from nap and in the morning (that will take a while), but most of the time he is awake he has been dry. He is so weird, he loves to go into public bathrooms. Yuck. But it does help him stay dry when we are out. We are still using “big boy pull-ups” when we go out, but I have a feeling that he will end that soon and it will be “big boy underwear” all the time.

Jeremiah still loves reading and is really good at memorizing books. He absolutely LOVES his bibles. He has a little one to take to church and a big one from Grandpa. He spends 20+ minutes a day just looking through them and finding “good ones”. I would say he can identify about 70% of the stories in the shorter bible. He is also memorizing his first “remember verse” from church. We haven’t worked on it for a while, but last time it sounded something like this “I pay to God, answer me, love me SOOO much” – translated – I pray to you, you answer me because you love me so much (Definitely a paraphrase). They are learning about prayer for about 3 months in Sunday School. Elijah was a little scary for him the last two weeks. I am not sure what was on the video, but he went and stood by Mrs. Marta (Isaac’s Mom) this last Sunday.

I think we were catching up from being cooped up, because this last week we were really busy. We went to the Wild Animal Park with Auntie Katie and fed the Lorikeets. I started out feeding them nectar and Jeremiah took it and held it too. One moved over to his arm and he did a great job holding still. Then one flew by him and landed on his shoulder. He kind of swatted it away and was done, but he didn’t freak out. He was really excited. We had been in the enclosure a few times to get him used to it before I had him feed them, so I think that helped.


Then Saturday morning we went to Home Depot and made a bird house. (Sorry Uncle Nich, we didn’t know Lowe’s did it until afterward when Grandma told us) Jeremiah saw it last month with Andy, but they didn’t have time to make something. Andy had to help our pastor move, so I got to take Jeremiah this time. He was so excited, asking “what this” over and over. By the end he took the hammer and looked at me and said “No mommy, I do it.” And he did. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst, but my fingers and the birdhouse are all in tact. He had a blast as you can see the proud builder.

So as always we are busy. Aunt Abby gets married the end of May, so we are planning a trip to Indiana. Jeremiah is all excited to ride on a plane “to Forf Wayne” We saw a plane land at the airport the other day and he informed me it was going to Fort Wayne. It took a while, but I finally convinced him it was landing in Carlsbad and maybe when it left again it would go to Fort Wayne. So now I think planes in his head planes go 2 place, Carlsbad and Fort Wayne. He is also excited to carry a pillow in Aunt Abby’s wedding. We will see how that actually turns out. My prediction is he will be dragging Cousin Gracie down the aisle (as she is trying to throw flowers) yelling for Auntie Katie’s phone. It should be good times for his first wedding!!We did practice yesterday carrying his bible down the aisle at church and he did pretty well – we’ll keep practicing.

Ok, there are the highlights. I am really going to try to get May’s update out on time too, we’ll see!


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