Blog for the Boys

29 months - 2 yrs 5 mon
The month of Why! That should be the title of this update. The word that Jeremiah is loving and we could care less if we ever hear it again. That about sums up the month. Talk to you next month when I am even more insane.

No really this has been a great month! And a busy one. Easter was so much fun this year. Jeremiah was really into finding eggs, especially when there was food in them. He also named his first toy animal – a goat he got inside one of his eggs he named Katie. Auntie Katie was thrilled in a way only an aunt can be thrilled (hard to be excited when it was a goat). We when to a huge “party” at a church. Everything was free and Jeremiah loved the jumpies and riding a pony. It was great time! (It seems like that was a long time ago.) He got cotton candy for the first time and thought it was the best thing in the world. So funny how something so simple makes him so excited.

We went to the Flower Fields with our friends Charlie, Conner & Sarah. We got to ride a wagon behind a tractor. It wasn’t a John Deere, but we did get to see one. Jeremiah liked seeing the ocean from the top of the hill, but was upset he could not see the waves (We were only about a half mile away). We also did a flower maze that he really liked


Then we went to the Wild Animal twice within a week. They had the annual butterfly exhibit, so we went in the evening and the morning. Jeremiah did not like the butterfly landing on his head. But once one landed on me I understood why. They tickled and pulled at your hair. Luckily the one flew off of him with a little bit of a blow, the one on me stayed for quite a while. He was much more excited to see the the big parrots.

One of the big events of the month was the Buzz-a-que. A 15 year old from our church has stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma, he was diagnosed in March. His name is Sam, pleas keep him in your prayers. He has lost all his hair so about 20 guys got together and two hair dressers from our church got out the razors. Jeremiah got his buzzed too. He did such a good job! We had to bribe him with raisins. As he finished one he would say “more raisin”, but he sat really still for Reuben. The pictures I included are one of the Sunday after (my little soccer player) and then today

Another big event (actually it was in May) was the Baby Shower for Sarah and Baby Joshua. Jeremiah was soooo excited to help get things ready for it. He helped pick out books to decorate and even picked out a monkey that Baby Joshua HAD to have. The shower was a lot of fun.

The last big event is yet to come, but the planning started in April. Aunt Abby’s wedding is coming really soon. We went and got his “suit”. He loves it. He is not excited about the shoes, but oh well, 1 of 2 is not bad. We have been talking it up about how great it will be walking down with Cousin Grace. He is convinced Cousin William will walk down too (Grace’s brother was born Mar. 31st.), but we just can’t convince him he is too little. He keeps asking me who is going to be there. I go through the list and of course he ask….Why?

The last 2+ weeks he has had a cough that just won’t go away (No it is not swine flu). We took him Tuesday to the doctor and she wasn’t sure if it was a cold or allergies. So we are doing the breathing machine to help the coughing. His coughing is much better today, but they medicine makes him HYPER. He has NO self-control for about an hour after he does it. So a little prayer for him and once again our sanity would be greatly appreciated! So not only is he asking Why, he is asking it twice as fast. Fun times!

We did however have him weighed – with clothes and shoes he is 39 1/2 lbs. Yes a very big boy. My measuring says he is 36 3/4 in. tall, but I was about an inch less last time he was measured at the doctors.

He is still singing away – making up words as he goes. Now he has started talking gibberish, not just singing it. It makes it really hard because we don’t know if he is being funny or if he is saying words we just don’t understand. His sentences are getting longer and he is much easier to understand, but the kid has A LOT of practice. He talks non-stop (and that is before the breathing machine). I was doing laundry yesterday and he told me. “I get in laundry basket…That be fun.” I lost it. “That be fun” He is so funny sometimes.

I know I was a teacher, but I taught 4th grade. I guess I didn’t realize how soon children can deduce things and use reasoning to figure things out, but Jeremiah is really quick with it. We have played a “hide and seek” computer game about a half dozen times. Two times ago he kept picking place the penguin had already hid. So I explained he had been there and so we pick a different one. Then a few days ago we played it again. He had 3 choices, so he says…No been books and rock… so that. And he was right. I was totally amazed at the learning capacity at such a young age. I guess he is almost 2 1/2.

Now we are in get ready to go to Indiana mode. I am sure next month will have many stories of the adventures we have there. I am sure you will all be on the edge of your seat to hear what happens at the wedding!! It will be fun.

Hope all is well with you.


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