Blog for the Boys

It is hard being 2 weeks old!

This picture was taken after Andy’s Christmas Party on Wednesday. It is hard to believe 2 weeks have flown by!

We have had many milestones. Jeremiah has continued to get stronger and hold his head up more. He has now figured out he can push up with his feet if he is lying on my chest and his feet are touching my legs. He lost his umbilical stump. He also babbles to people on the phone. He seems to really like rhythms and music (not a surprise as he often woke up in the womb when music was on). His noises often have a pattern or beat to them. He has been to the mall to get pictures taken and is a very good traveler (he falls asleep within minutes). He is back over the 8 lb mark! We went to the doctor today and he is 8lbs 3oz.

I also got checked out this week and am reaching my own milestones. I can now drive and start lifting more. I got to take the tape off my incision. I can start increasing my walking (I didn’t really know it should have been decreased.), but no exercise yet. The doctor even said I didn’t look like I had been through surgery. I figured that was a huge compliment. I have lost my baby weight, now I will be working on the pre-pregnancy weight that shouldn’t have been there in the first place (no I am not in a rush to loose weight, and yes I am eating healthy).

We have been blessed by our church family with meals every other night. They have them planned for us through January 11th or something like that. It is really nice to not have to think about things like that.

Well, Jeremiah is stirring, I need to go. Have a very Merry Christmas!!! I am sure Andy will be posting some Christmas pictures!


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