Blog for the Boys

35 months - 2 yrs 11 mon
Hello All,

My baby boy will be 3 in less than a month! 3! I can’t believe it. In many ways he seems 3 already, but time could not have flow by that fast could it? Ok, enough whining on to the update.

Jeremiah is 39.25 inches and weighs 40.6 lbs. I can’t wait until we go for the check up and I can compare my figures to theirs. He still LOVES to sing and make up his own words, do puzzles, play with his farm toys, and talk almost non-stop. Lately he has been talking for his stuffed animals, but he would rather I talk to them. He has also named a few of them. His dog in “Silly Great” and the alligator Great Aunt Peg got him when we went to Florida is call “Petter” (not sure how he got that one or how to spell it but that is what it is).

He is definitely ALL boy. He loves to wrestle and throw things. He will spin non-stop for 5 minutes straight, laughing all the time. Becca came over on Wednesday and when I asked him what he wanted to do he told me he wanted to go to a park so he could tackle her. I don’t know where he gets his ideas.

We had a great October. Jeremiah loved getting ready for Halloween. We went to Bates Nut farm and he had great time. He really like the straw maze. He RAN through it looking for the stamps. He actually understood what Trick or Treating was this year. He could not wait to go to Iwasaki’s and Bob’s (the Iwasaki’s neighbor we know) dressed up like a pirate. “Bob will have a lot of candy he kept saying.” We went to New Venture again this year and since I knew several teachers he got quite a bit of candy. He also won three or four stuffed bears, but we only took one home. His favorite was the jumpies, slide, and the games. It did not take him long to figure out if he threw something or pulled something out he could get candy. We also had a Halloween Party at music class. Jeremiah loved singing the Halloween songs and running around like crazy.

Jeremiah also helped take food to 2 different families from our church who just had babies. Jeremiah loves to cook, or at least try to cook. We made muffins last Friday and he was determined to put the Baking Soda in and twice as much of it. He is quite the helper in the kitchen, sometimes that is a true statement and sometimes there is TONS of sarcasm in it. He has also decided he is old enough to make his own dried fruit snack. I have to watch to make sure he doesn’t have too big of a handful of something, but other than closing the bags, he can do it himself.


He was also able to pack up his backpack to go to Legoland Monday. I told him where to put things and he put them where they belonged. I think he was just excited to go to Legoland though. We had a great time with our friend Athena, who is a month older than Jeremiah. They took off early so we stayed and rode more rides. He loved the one that dropped you down little by little and you bounced each time. He laughed the whole time. I was really impressed with “Mini Land”. They have a lot of Washington DC made of Lego’s. The inauguration was really neat and they had just added the Vietnam Memorial for Veteran’s Day. They also had the local Little Leaguers that won the World Series. It was really funny.

Time change has been rough on us! Jeremiah has been waking up at 6:30-6:40 each morning. It used to be 7:15-7:30. So he has been tired and moody! At least he will lay in bed and talk and sing. I keep hoping he will adjust soon.

Jeremiah still loves to “read”. He will look at books several times a day. We have been taking many trips to the library lately. He has earned 2 free In-N-Out Burgers and one more is ready to turn in. The teacher in me just can’t help it, I have decided he only gets to write down the book if he can tell me the title. So he is “earning” his reward, since he can’t actually read them. But it doesn’t take him long to remember what the titles are. One of our last trips we got Green Eggs and Ham. So we had to make green eggs. I just used food coloring. It looked disgusting, but Jeremiah loved it. Then he looked at me and said, “Where that?” and pointed to the green ham. I told him I didn’t know how to make that and he looked at me with this “Why not, Mommy?” So we had to call up former kindergarten teacher Jan, to ask how to make green ham. She told us, but also informed me that none of her students in all the years she has taught asked about the green ham. Oh, how I pity Jeremiah’s teachers, already I am praying for them!

I am heading up this years Operation Christmas Child at our church and Jeremiah has been helping. He loved going to all the stores to get the boxes to hand out. But he really liked it when we went shopping for “our little boy”. He even found our box on Sunday and said, “We make this one, Mommy?”.

The question of the last to weeks has been. “We half way to my birthday?” I don’t really know how to answer that one. I just keep telling him it will be soon. Aunt Katie came down last weekend and he knows when she comes again it will be his birthday, so I think that has triggered the questions. Plus we have started to shop for some of the party stuff. It is fun to see him so excited and see that he knows it is coming. He has been pretending it is his birthday the last couple of days too.

I am sure there is more that has happened this month, but seeing as this is the second night I have worked on this e-mail I figure I need to get it out! So next time I update, you will be hearing about a 3 year old!

Hope all is well there!


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  1. Sharon & Jacob

     /  November 14, 2009

    He looks so old in that picture. Time definitely flies!

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