Blog for the Boys

Hello Everyone,

Boy does time fly by. Jeremiah was one month old on Saturday. It
has been a busy month! Especially with Christmas and New Year.

Jeremiah continues to figure out new things every day. He is
definitely getting stronger. He continues to push up with his legs
and steadies himself a little better. During Tummy Time, he will
lift his head and move it from side to side. He even does it a
couple times in about 5 minutes!

He LOVES his bouncy seat! He has learned to bat at the dog and bunny
and he loves to stare at them. Then he looks at his hand like he
can’t believe he just did that, and what was that thing that moved
them anyway?

This weekend he became very good at getting his fingers, thumb and/or
fist in his mouth. It doesn’t take him very long to get them to his

We also have decided he is smiling at us and not just passing gas.
If you get close to his face and smile and talk to him, he will
smile/open his mouth really wide. It is very fun!

Jeremiah weighed 9lbs today. He is definitely getting longer,
because his sleeper are getting more snug. He is sleeping between 4
and 5 hours at a time during the night, so I am actually getting a
little more sleep. He is very alert and awake most of the day.

Jeremiah and I went to Wal-mart by ourselves yesterday, that was our
first outing without Andy. We did really well, considering he slept
the whole time!

Hope everyone is doing well.


ps. Here are a couple photos of Jeremiah in his bouncy seat and a short video.


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  1. Anonymous

     /  January 10, 2007

    Bless you Jeremiah! I love you! Bec<><

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