Blog for the Boys

Nichole’s last email update:

Hi everyone!

We are at 9 weeks left and counting down. It is really weird to think I am due in 2 months from tomorrow. Things are going well. I passed my glucose test, so I don’t have to do the 3 hour follow up test!!!! However my test for anemia came back a little off. It is supposed to be a 12 and I am an 11.8. So I have an additional iron suppliment to take now. So nothing to hard to do.

We did an ultrasound today, but of course the baby did not cooperate! The doctor is 85% sure it is a boy, but he was still hiding for the most part. The doctor said he would check again if we wanted, but he will be in Africa over my next visit, so it will be a month before that happens. I now go every 2 weeks.

I asked the doctor about working up until the baby comes and he is fine with that as long as I feel up to it and there are no medical reasons for me to stay home. Right now everything is good. I am definitely more tired lately. I do really good the first part of the week and then Thursday comes and I feel like I drag myself through Thursday and Friday, then sleep a lot on the weekends.

Last Saturday, I had my first baby shower. It was soooo nice. People from church and from Rock Springs were there. We got a lot of bath stuff and cute boy outfits. Hopefully we will get the pictures on a site soon and you can see them. Many things were football related, so hopefully the doctor is right or our little girl will be a football fan 🙂

We toured the hospital last night. It seems pretty nice. It was kind of weird walking through realizing I would be having a baby there. They have many different types of rooms that are available on a first come first serve basis, so I am really hoping that baby boy is born on a slow day and I will get one of the nicer rooms. We will see!

Hope all is well with all of you!


P.S. I will send a picture next time

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