Blog for the Boys

Hi Everyone!

Where did the time go? Jeremiah was 2 months old yesterday.

We are having so much fun with him lately. He is smiling and giggling quite often. It is fun to have him react to you. Every once in a while he will squeal and he scares himself! (I know no good parent would say this, but it is HILARIOUS!)

He is starting to grab at things. Aunt Katie’s stuffed turtle is a favorite, Andy’s shoulder and my hair!

We go to the doctor on Friday for the 2 month check up and shots. We will post on the blog how much he weighs and all of that stuff.

Next Tuesday we leave for Indiana. Hopefully he will do a great job flying and adjust to time change fairly easily. I figure he will never get put down for the whole 2 weeks we are there. Between family and friends stopping by I am sure he will be quite spoiled!

Here is a picture we took yesterday. I absolutely love his expression! This is the same outfit he came home in. It is finally starting to fit! It is funny to compare this picture to the one on the blog when he first came home!

Ok, I have to go. Jeremiah is starting to stir and he will be hungry when he wakes up!


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