Blog for the Boys

Hi Everyone!

What a busy month we have had! Jeremiah was 3 months old about a
week and a half ago. It is so hard to believe. I was looking at the
Christmas picture and boy is there a difference!

We had a terrific time in Indiana. We saw A LOT of people and a lot
of snow! We were stuck in St. Louis the first night because of
snow. Jeremiah loved the hotel room and actually slept really well
in the crib. Jeremiah was a great traveler. He slept most of the
plane rides. He loved looking around the airport. He was all
smiles on take off, but just couldn’t figure out the whole landing
thing. He only cried a few times when he was hungry. The two weeks
there were really busy. We had an Open House at Andy’s parents and
had all kinds of adventures at my parents (the recliner, the John
Deere peddle tractor, being held by the 3 grandmas and grandpa). It
was soooo good to see family and friends.

Jeremiah has decided that standing is the best thing to do. We have
a hard time getting him to lay in our arms anymore. He is really
getting strong. He will try to sit himself up if he is laying down
and will push himself up if he can get his feet under him.

His hand/eye coordination is getting better also. He loves to grab
onto anything he can figure out how to get. The latest is his cloths
and the back of his head. He still loves his bouncy seat and now has
a play mat that he really likes.

He is still trying to figure out who the baby in the mirror is, but
will smile at him if he smiles first. If the baby is frowning, he
frowns more. It is quite comical.

We have finally found the motivation for tummy time. He doesn’t
really like being on his tummy and for a while he wouldn’t lift his
head when he was on his tummy, even though we knew he could do it.
But we discovered if the TV is on then he will keep his head up a
long time to see it.

He has also found his voice. He loves to talk to his bunny and doggy
in his bouncy seat. He will babble to them for a long time. He will
also respond to us. He laughs a lot, especially when we sing to
him. He is definitely a boy as he laughs anytime he hears words like
“fart” or “poop”.

The biggest news is that Jeremiah is sleeping in his own room now.
We moved him over last Saturday night. He is doing really well and I
am doing better (I think I am only up 1-2 times during the night
instead of the 5 times the first few nights.) He has been eating
around 11:00 pm and not waking up until 6:30 or 7:30 in the morning.
It is really nice! Now if I would only sleep the whole time we would
be great!

I am attaching a 3 month picture. There are a lot more pictures on
our blog and many more updates there.

Hope things are going well for all of you!


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