Blog for the Boys

Hello everyone,

We went in today for Jeremiah’s 4 month appointment. It is hard to believe 4 months have flown by. He is now 14 lbs. 15 oz. (50th percentile), 25 3/4 in. (78th percentile) and his head is 17 in. around (70th percentile).. So he is long and skinny. The doctor says he is very healthy and very strong, but could gain a little more weight. So we get to start rice cereal. That will be fun! I have a feeling Jeremiah will love it! He loves watching us eat and he loves to put things in his mouth.

He has become so determined lately! You can look at him and tell that he is trying to figure things out. He no longer likes to lay down. He would much rather sit or stand. A couple weeks ago he went from laying down to standing, just with me holding his arms. He loves the ball with the rattle in it that is on his play mat. He gets his arms and feet going all at the same time. He also rolled over from his tummy to his back. This time he was on the floor, no help from the lean in the couch!

He is doing great sleeping in his crib. He will fall asleep about 10:30pm and not wake up until 7:30am. (I really love that!) Usually he will go back to sleep after he eats. He often rolls himself to his side to sleep, it is so funny. I am guessing soon he will realize he can roll from his side to his tummy.

He is getting over his first cold. We have been very blessed that he has been so healthy. Even with the cold he has been in a pretty good mood.

For those of you who saw the video, you may have noticed my ankle in a brace. I missed a step coming downstairs a few weeks ago. I am doing much better. I am actually walking now instead of hobbling.

Also I am not sure I told everyone, I am not going back to work. At least not now. I had planned to go back part-time, but the position was not there. So for now I am REALLY enjoying being home with Jeremiah. He is at such a fun age and doing so many great things I am glad I can be here with him.

In other family news, Andy’s brother Ben and his wife had a baby girl on the 2nd. Grace Marion is doing well and we are so excited she is here!

Hope you all are doing great.


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