Blog for the Boys

Hi Everyone.

So tomorrow (or when most of you will be reading this, today) is 33
weeks down and 7 more to go. Which is really weird to think about if
the baby is early.

I had another baby shower on Sunday. It was really nice and
relaxing. It was fun to have some of my past students there. We sat
out on Connie’s back patio and played some games and ate yummy food.
It was a great afternoon.

I went to the doctor today. He is actually in Africa right now, so I
saw the nurse practioner. She is a talker so Andy and I had to wait
almost an hour before she came in! My stomach measured 35 cm, so he
is definitely growing. I have now gained 17 lbs. total. My blood
pressure is good. We heard a really strong heartbeat, but I could
have told you it would be based on how hard he has been pushing. My
ribs have been sooooo sore. His head is down, for the moment, with
his behind near my ribs, but he is actually hanging out on my left
side now, instead of the right side he enjoyed so much. I have to
start counting kicks. I wait for the first kick and then time how
long it takes to get to 10. Tonight it took a whole 8 minutes, and
that was just the ones that were strong enough that I thought I
should count. I tell you, the child does not stop moving!!!! At
least when I sleep, either he is sleeping or I am too tired to wake
up with all the moving.

Andy set up a baby blog. It has my latest picture (I am definitely
pregnant!) and a link to the shower pictures. If you decide to link
the blog to one of your pages, let me know. I would just like to
know who all has access. Andy says I am being weird, and I probably
am, but I would just like to know.
It is

I have my last baby shower on Friday at the school and then we need
to go get the essentials we need for the baby.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks to I will let you know the latest
after that!


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2 ResponsesLeave one →

  1. Andy

     /  October 11, 2006

    I never said she was being weird.

    I said she was being overly paranoid.

  2. Sharon & Jacob

     /  October 14, 2006

    I’m linking your blog from Isaac’s site, is that cool?

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