Blog for the Boys

Where did 1/2 a year go? Jeremiah is 6 months old. This has been a
very busy month!!

We went to see the grandparents the middle of May. We flew out on a Saturday and flew back on Tuesday. It was a quick trip, but well worth it. We surprise both great-grandmas. We got to try the tractor again and sit in Grandpa’s big truck. Uncle Nich helped us spill our first glass of water at Pizza Hut. We met Grandpa and
Grandma Merrill at Ivanhoe’s and Grandma laughed at me because I started to cry at Aunt Anna. Aunt Abby was pretty happy Jeremiah didn’t cry at her.

Jeremiah has gotten really good at sitting up by himself. He only falls over if he is really tired. He also loves to babble. He wakes up in the morning chatting away and he is chatting now as I type this (and has been for the last 5-10 minutes).

He loves being on his tummy now. He does push ups. (It really looks like he is doing them properly, check out the site to see him). He has gotten really good at rolling from his back to his stomach. So good in fact he is doing it in his sleep. So he is now a tummy sleeper, but only for half of the night. He however can’t roll
himself back over yet, so he gets upset. He is trying very hard to move forward on his tummy, but tends to only move backwards. He was able to move forward the other night. He pushed up and literally let himself fall forward, but he did get the toy he wanted.

He has really good hand coordination. He will pass things back and forth. He loves getting my necklace and now can get it with both hands. He can also “throw/roll” the ball. He holds the ball in the air and swings his arms and out it goes, sometimes it roll and sometimes it is thrown.

We had our doctor’s appointment yesterday. He now weighs 18 1/2 lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long. Everything looks good. But most importantly we got the ok to start fruits and vegetables. Because he has been having tummy problems we had to start with prunes. But Jeremiah was so excited and ate a lot of them! He really didn’t
even make a face. I really don’t think we will have a problem getting him to eat!

We are starting to figure out what he wants. He will raise his hands to be picked up. He also make the sign for “yes” when he wants something. I am not sure how that started, but he consistently makes the fists and waves it up and down as he is reaching for something.

We are so very blessed to have a very good baby.

Be sure to check the site for more updates and things I forgot!


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