Blog for the Boys

Jeremiah is 7 months old!! What a busy, productive month! So much has happened this month. I will try to give the highlights without being too long.

Jeremiah has progressed to full on crawling. He made it across the width of the living room today. His feet move faster than his arms, so it is quite a sight to see. He can pull himself up on almost anything and tries to on everything. So we have found more bruises this month than ever before. He can’t figure out why he can’t stand up on his toys. He has also mastered going from a crawling position to sitting. He backs himself into sitting.

He has become very good at taking every toy and moving them around the room where he would like them. He especially loves dumping his bucket of small toys.

He has said “Dada” and “Mum”. He actually looked at Andy and said Dada, but most of the time he just says the words. He babbles a lot. It sure sounds like he is carrying on a conversation, but we haven’t figured out what language it is  He has been laughing more lately too. He thinks we are very funny!

We are guessing he is about 27 inches and weighs between 19-20 pounds. He LOVES to eat. We haven’t found a food he doesn’t like. He has had rice cereal and oatmeal, prunes, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and green beans. Pears and peas are probably his favorites!

He has been bathing in the big bath tub and loves it. He splashes and pushes the rubber duck around.

He went swimming for the first time a few weeks ago. He wasn’t sure about it for the first 30 seconds, but after that he loved it. He hasn’t gone under yet, but loves to splash and be lifted up in the air. He kicks like crazy in the water.

Jeremiah and I went to Sea World with the summer camp program from New Venture. That was definitely an adventure for me!! I had Jeremiah and 6 first and second grade boys. We had a good day, but I couldn’t tell you a thing I saw. All I did was count to six and take care of Jeremiah.

So with a wedding this past weekend and a trip to Indiana coming up we are keeping quite busy. Plus I am pretty sure teeth are not far off. I hope all is well with you guys!

Take Care,

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