Blog for the Boys

March Update

Hello everyone, Well we are in March. When did that happen? This is the month of 3 for Jeremiah. He is 3 years and 3 months old. He is 3 foot 3 and 3/4 inches. His weight is not in the 3s or the 30s though – some where around 41. (The math person in […]

Jeremiah Singing

Jeremiah Singing, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

In a Box

In a Box, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Reading a Book

Reading a Book, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


Mustache, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Handy Jeremiah

Handy Jeremiah, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. He told me his name is not Jeremiah anymore, but it is Handy Manny. If he has not told you about Handy Manny yet just ask and he will.

Bubble Fight!


Sawing, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. He just got this new toy saw. He told me that he wants a real one so he can cut the door down. I better make sure he can’t reach any of the real tools in the garage.

February 2010 Update

Hello Everyone, February has started out to be much better than January.  I am feeling 100% again and we haven’t been sick so far this month.  I think our first week of February made up for the lack of busyness we had in January. But before we get to that I forgot something in January.  […]

After a trim, originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

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