Blog for the Boys

Jeremiah walking with help, feeding himself, and clapping.

Leave me alone Mom. I’m trying to eat. Who is this crazy lady?

What? I’m not doing anything. Relaxing…Just woke up I found it so I’m keeping it

Jeremiah learned to click his tongue a while back and we finally got around to taking some video of him doing it this week. It is just a quick video, but you get the idea.

Some video clips from our trip to Indiana.

8 months! Jeremiah seems to be looking more and more like a little boy than a baby. The last couple weeks it seems he has thinned down. I think he has just gotten taller, so it makes him seem thinner. Our best guess is he is 20 lbs and 28 1/2 inches long. It is […]

We had dinner with the Ziles and Furlongs last night. Here is a picture of all our kids.

Me likey ice cream.

We went four wheeling for the first time today. Jeremiah prefers when we go fast.

Dressed for Soccer After playing in the rain

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