Blog for the Boys

Jeremiah figured out how to climb up one step. Fortunately he could not figure out the second one.

Clips of Jeremiah crawling, standing, and walking (with help).He is getting really fast.

Jeremiah’s new friends Kevin and Aaron.

Jeremiah is 7 months old!! What a busy, productive month! So much has happened this month. I will try to give the highlights without being too long. Jeremiah has progressed to full on crawling. He made it across the width of the living room today. His feet move faster than his arms, so it is […]

Seven Months Old Today.

We took Jeremiah swimming for the first time and he loved it. We ended up going swimming again yesterday, but this video is from the first time.

Jeremiah crawling and playing. The good crawling stuff is towards the end.

Been a while since we posted anything so here are a couple photos I took this morning.

Just in time for Father’s Day Jeremiah said “Dada” last night.You may have to turn the volume up a little, but he clearly says Dada a couple times.

Jeremiah has had a big week this week. We added sweet potatoes to his diet (which was just milk, rice cereal, and prunes previously). He has gotten pretty good at pulling himself up to standing from sitting. He figured out how to go from sitting to on his stomach and then how to get back […]

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