Blog for the Boys

This video has a couple clips of Jeremiah trying to crawl and doing push ups. Then, there is a clip of the first time he had prunes.

Leave me alone. I just woke up. I made a new friend. Mmm…I like prunes. (video of the first time we had prunes coming soon)

Where did 1/2 a year go? Jeremiah is 6 months old. This has been avery busy month!! We went to see the grandparents the middle of May. We flew out on a Saturday and flew back on Tuesday. It was a quick trip, but well worth it. We surprise both great-grandmas. We got to try […]

I’m getting so strong. I do push ups now. Me and my Mommy

“This was a good morning. We got to combined two of my favorite things The NY Giants and eating.” ~ Jeremiah

Jeremiah has figured out how to roll from his back to his stomach, but for the most part he will not do it without some coaxing. “Pants…We don’t need no stinking pants.” “What? I’m not doing anything…I promise.”

Pretty soon I’ll be able to reach the pedals. I like Grandpa’s big truck. mmmmmm… I got wet. I stole Grandpa’s chair.

This video is of Jeremiah playing with a bag of chips. I hope Nichole was not wanting to eat the rest of them because they are all crumbs now. There is also a short section of Jeremiah waking up that is pretty funny.

So Noisy …So Close to Rolling Over …So Close to Crawling …So Happy …

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