Blog for the Boys

Jeremiah Like Watching TV

We were cheering for Ball State this morning.You can’t see it but my shirt says “not to little to dribble.”Good Luck Julie!

This video is a compilation of clips we took while in Indiana.

We got back Tuesday after spending two weeks in Indiana. It was a good trip overall once we got there. Grandpa taught Jeremiah how to use a remote. I’m not super thrilled about that because now any time the TV is on Jeremiah tries to watch it. Then, Jeremiah decided it was time for a […]

“Leave me alone Dad. I’m trying to sleep.”

Playing with Dad

Jeremiah had a big day today. He flew to St Louis (hopefully we’ll finish the trip to Indy tomorrow morning – Lord willing) and we saw his first sports star. Nate Kaeding, the kicker for the San Diego Chargers, was on our flight today. This picture is a bit blurry, but it is all the […]

Looks like we need to find a smaller snow suit for Jeremiah. This one looks like it is too big.

We had our 2 months doctors appointment Friday.Jeremiah now weighs 10 lbs 12.5 oz.His length is up to 23.25 inches.His head was 15 inches and something or other around.He is in the 50th percentile for length and head size and in the 25th percentile for his weight. Two Months with Jeremiah

Hi Everyone! Where did the time go? Jeremiah was 2 months old yesterday. We are having so much fun with him lately. He is smiling and giggling quite often. It is fun to have him react to you. Every once in a while he will squeal and he scares himself! (I know no good parent […]

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