Blog for the Boys

Apparently Jeremiah’s nickname is going to be Kal-El (aka. Superman) because this morning, while I was running to the office to grab my laptop, Nichole put him on his stomach on the couch for a few minutes. She then took a few pictures because of how cute he was looking, or something crazy like that. She went to grab a drink (with her mom in the room keeping an eye on – I know you safety conscious people were about to freak out) when she came back be had rolled over to his side/back. Good thing he rolled towards the back of the couch.

So, on his fifth day he rolled over.

I thought Nichole was messing with me when she called to tell me but apparently she was not. Nichole’s mom said she saw him do it out of the corner of his eye. I think he had a little assistance since the couch leans a bit to the back, but you look at the pictures and decide for yourself.

Before Roll – One, Two, Three
After Roll – One and Only

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