Blog for the Boys

Highlights from the last 6 days:

Hello all!

We are doing well. It is still an adjustment period as we are looking at the baby and thinking, “he is ours”. I know I am bias, but I think he is way too cute. I am feeling pretty good and I am trying to work my way off of percocet (pain medication) but oh is it nice to have.

Jeremiah is sleeping about 3 hours at a time during the night so that is good. Then we get up and eat. It is not going as well upstairs as it does downstairs.

He had his first doctor’s appointment yesterday. He lost more weight but the doctor is not overly concerned. He gave me ideas on how to better feed him. But there are no signs of jaundice or dehydration.

Here are some highlights from our last 6 days –
• Jeremiah peeing on the nurse in the hospital
• When the nurse went to check his heartbeat he grabbed her stethoscope between his toes and would not let go so she could not stand all the way up.
• Jeremiah peeing all over himself and the look on his face (he couldn’t figure out what had happened or why I was laughing so hysterically!!!!)
• The way he seems to respond to questions – every once in a while. We will ask a question and he will shake his head back and forth to answer (it seems like the right answer to the question)
• His “mmmm” when he is upset, it sounds like he wants mom.
• Shopping at Target and Babies R Us on his 5th day – he slept the whole time
• Going to In-N-Out for the first time on his 6th day – we took pictures. Click here, here, or here to see them.
• ROLLING OVER FOR THE THIRD TIME AND GETTING IT ON VIDEO!!! (the video is at the bottom of this post)

Hope you are enjoying the updates. Just so you know we will be putting tons of pictures and video on this site. It is mostly for family who are not close. So if you don’t like getting a bunch of the same pictures, avoid the site or pick and choose what you want to look at.  (All that really means is we are trying to convince you we are not obsessed, crazy parents – keyword “trying”)

Thanks for all your prayers.


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2 ResponsesLeave one →

  1. The Gardners

     /  December 12, 2006

    And here I thought Lorelai was amazing rolling over at 10 weeks! GO JEREMIAH! Again, I am so excited for you guys! 🙂

  2. Anonymous

     /  December 12, 2006

    Thank you for all the great pictures and video footage! We can’t wait to meet Jeremiah in person, but until then, we are enjoying getting to know our little nephew through this blog. He is so CUTE!
    We love you all!
    Uncle Ben & Aunt Heather

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