Blog for the Boys

32 months - 2 yrs 8 mon
Well here we are in mid August and I can’t believe the changes that have happened in the last 6 weeks since I have updated. Can 6 weeks really be that much of a change? I guess so.

Jeremiah has now reached the 38 inch mark. He is still around 39 lbs. He looks much more like a little boy than a toddler. His belly is still there, but it is longer rather than rounder now.

Verbally Jeremiah is using full, complete sentences. He LOVES big words. He looked at me the other day and told me “The camera is not operating, Mommy”. What 2 year old uses operating? I guess ours. He is also starting to comprehend more and add on to his sense of humor. We were upstairs the other night and he had my huge white bear in his bed and this was the conversation. “What you want to do, Bear? (Pause) You want to sing.” Me – “Oh, what does the bear want to sing?” “The Bare Necessities because (Pause and a huge smile comes over his face) he…is…a…BEAR.” Then a big belly laugh. He was so proud of himself that the bear would sing Bare Necessities. It was hilarious!!

Jeremiah loves to figure things out. I got him an ABC puzzle and he had it figured out in the first 3 or 4 days of using it. Then about a week later, he was looking at the M (monkey) who was upside down and turned it over. He then proceeded to put the rest of the puzzle together upside down. I was shocked at how fast he did it. It didn’t slow him down with it being upside down. Absolutely crazy!

He continues to sing pretty much non-stop. If he doesn’t remember the words he just hums along to the tune or makes up what he thinks the words should be. Humming is a new thing and he thinks it is really funny. He also was pretending to whistle to a song that had whistling in it. I especially liked the part where he bobs his head back and forth as he whistles but nothing comes out.

Jeremiah has definitely inherited our type A personalities. He has to complete everything he starts before he moves on to something else. He has been a coloring maniac the last few days. Today he had one last page to do in his Nemo book and we had to go. You would have thought the world was coming to an end that we couldn’t complete what we had started.


About a week after the last e-mail. Jeremiah took another step to becoming a “big boy”. Andy changed his crib into a big boy bed. He was so excited. He loves getting up on his own, when his “light turns green”. We found an AWESOME alarm clock that you can just set a light to change from yellow to green at whatever time your child is allowed to get up. He has done a great job waiting in his bed until it is green then he yells out the door to find out where we are. He did fall out the first day at nap, but he got right back in bed. I think he has fallen out a couple more times, but he just puts himself back in it. I am also pretty sure he has gotten out of bed to get his monkey that he has pushed out of bed, but I haven’t noticed any other time. It was a pretty easy transition, so that was a huge praise.

We also are pretty much potty trained!!! We haven’t had a #2 accident for a long time (I probably just jinxed myself again. I typed something last time and the next day it happened. I think it also had to do with potty training. Great, watch out tomorrow). He is also pretty good at holding it. There have only been a few small accidents a week. At least he is realizing to stop. Last week he was even dry at nap time, and yesterday morning he was just a tiny bit wet from the whole night!! So we are getting closer. Now if he would just tell us when he needs to go.

Two weeks ago we had a ROUGH week. I think Jeremiah has been having bad dreams. Either he didn’t realize what they were or a show on TV made him start having them. He watched “Shaun the Sheep” and he absolutely did not understand it. It has no narrator nor do the animals or farmer talk. I think he just could not figure out what was going on and it really bothered him. He kept asking me about what they did and why. (Over and over and over). That coupled with the potty training changes we did, the big boy bed, and the fact he couldn’t find me one morning when he got up, made it a rough week. He did not want to sleep or nap. He wanted us with him all the time. But it only seemed to last a week. Now the bear guards his room and he ask often that “Daddy come check on Jeremiah”. We are back to the whiny I don’t want to go to bed, because I might miss something; compared to the absolutely freaked out to stay in my room Jeremiah.

Of course are keeping busy. The weather has been really nice the last few weeks. But not quite warm enough to swim after Jeremiah gets up from his nap. A fact that Jeremiah is very upset about. We have been hanging out with friends a lot. Baby Joshua is a big hit with Jeremiah. Jeremiah has to know what he is doing at all times. He even wanted to call and ask Sarah what he was doing the other night about 8:30. He likes to predict what he is doing too. It is quite funny, because he always says sleeping. We have been to the Zoo a couple times and the Wild Animal Park too. We have also been to the beach a few times. This kid LOVES the water!

We did a week of Kid’s Games (kind of like a VBS/sports camp) the end of July. Jeremiah was too young to be in it, but since I did registration he went. They had some wonderful helpers to watch the kids of the workers, then I was able to help after the registration and before pick up. You would have thought the whole camp was for Jeremiah. Well, he thought it was. He sat with the “big kids”, let me re-phrase that, he sat in the MIDDLE of the big kids for the singing and story. He was sooooo cute as he danced his way over for the opening and closing stories. He thought crazy hair day was hilarious and still says he has “white hair like Miss Garyn” when I shampoo his hair. He also loved pirate day, since he had just learned to make a pirate face the week before.

We were talking about Kid’s Games in the bath one night. I asked him what his favorite story was. I totally thought it would be the one where Kevin was the donkey and he had to carry Thadd, boy was I wrong. “The tree one”. Jeanne-Marie had talked about the tree of life and how you could take a leaf and be a follower of Jesus. Then he ask me. “What they do after that?”. She had asked the kids to close their eyes and raise their hand if they wanted to take a leaf. So explaining it as simply as I could to him, I told him. So then I asked … “Did you raise your hand?” Immediate response. “No I not raise my hand, I just want to listen to the story.”. So I guess we don’t have to worry about peer pressure with Jeremiah for a while. Such a funny boy that soaks up everything going on!!

Oh, and on top of all of that. Jeremiah got a hair cut. This was the first one that he actually sat through. He still had to be bribed with raisins, but I didn’t have to hold him in place this time.

What a big boy! Hope you are all doing well. We would love to hear what is going on in your lives! Have a great rest of the summer!


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  1. Anonymous

     /  August 24, 2009

    I love the picture of him with the football. He is so handsome!! ~Bec~

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