Blog for the Boys

33 months - 2 yrs 9 mon

Hi Everyone,

I am a little earlier this month. It seems like I just wrote. I didn’t realize how late I was last month!

We are keeping busy and enjoying our cooler weather! It was HOT here. We had almost a week of 98-100 degree weather. It was at least dry heat. Then it turned to “cooler” (low 90s) but more humid weather. I think I liked the hotter drier better. We are loving our 65 degrees right now.

We attempted to stay cool by swimming a lot, but the cooler weather we had had the month before kept our pool almost too cold. Of course Jeremiah could have cared less. He has become quite the swimmer. He has a swim vest and he is everywhere in the pool and not swallowing much water anymore. He purposely goes underwater and will stay under for quite a while. Even with his vest off he loves to try to swim. He really likes to jump in. We went to Connie’s pool a few weeks ago and her nephew Drew taught Jeremiah how to do a real cannonball. He has been practicing and is getting really good. Drew will be so proud! He also loves to belly flop with his vest on. He even gets down like he is ready to dive in. It is hilarious.

This month we also took in the free day at the Air and Space Museum in San Diego. Jeremiah liked it, but couldn’t understand why he couldn’t go climb in every plane he wanted to. I had to stop him 2 or 3 times from climbing in the exhibits. I guess we need to go to more museums so he knows how to behave :-). A lot of it was up high or in cases he just couldn’t quite see into. So I think he will enjoy it more when he is older/taller. He did get to climb into the control panel area of the “Space Shuttle”. He loved all the buttons that lit up. We also went to the Automobile Museum. Once again all he wanted to do was climb in the cars. After that we went and rode the kid’s train by the Zoo. Jeremiah got to ride with the stuffed giraffe. He was so excited. About half way through the ride he started petting the giraffe. It was so funny. It was a good morning and we were able to beat the heat a little bit.

We also went to the beach with Becca. It was actually quite cooler there than at our house. We also went today. Although it did feel like it the water was supposed to be 75 degrees, so I figured we should take advantage of that. Jeremiah loves making sand castles and running away from the waves (usually slow enough to get caught by them a little bit).

We had a great Labor Day weekend. We went to a pool party on Saturday, so Jeremiah was thrilled. Then we went to the Iwasaki’s on Monday. Jeremiah loved playing with Kelly and Kris. He told me that “Kelly said, we have to get ready for night-night. Then I sleep in the window because Isaac sleeping on the floor and there not enough room (in the play house). Then we got up and we went to work.” So I said, where did you work? “I not know”. What did you do. “I not know. Kelly just say we go to work and then we come back home.” So funny. I guess I won’t have to worry about Jeremiah not remembering what he does when we are not right there. He will just tell me.

Jeremiah continues to sing, sing, sing. He is actually starting to learn more words to songs. He knows one of the verses to the “Bare Necessities”. The one with the ants because he thinks it is so funny that Mowgli eats ants. It really makes me laugh because he talks about the Jungle Book like he has seen it, but thanks to YouTube he has only really seen 4 songs. It is a great way to get him to sit still while I clip his nails. Whatever works, right?

Well, we have hit the 40 lb mark. I can’t believe he is 40 lbs and I think he “looks thinner”. The manager at the grocery store sees him almost every week and asks if he is going to be linebacker. He definitely has the rock solid build. But if you ask him, he wants to be “the tackler, because I like to tackle sometimes. Not the ‘thrower'”.

This month has been the month of puzzles!! Every day, multiple times a day, Jeremiah HAS to do puzzles. I remembered I had some in the garage, so we pulled them out. They say 3-7, but are pretty simple cardboard puzzles. He has them memorized. We actually got him some more and he pretty much knows them now too. One of the puzzles has planets on them. He thinks Pluto is funny (yes I know it is not a planet anymore, talk to Wal-mart), because it is not Mickey Mouse’s dog. He now ask “where we live?” every time, even though he can point out Earth. Then he says “We live by the moon”. We had just looked at the moon and stars a couple of days before he got the puzzle so he has really connected the two.

Jeremiah is also learning to put up his fingers and know “how many” there are. He knows when he is 3 he can do his “monkey puzzle” so he ask several times a day “when I this many I do my monkey puzzle”. Then he learned 4. So now he ask, “Isaac be this many on his party?” If all else fails his back up is always 5. “I want this many”.

We are also working on the fact that there are days and nights. He thinks every time he sleeps it is a new day. Every times he gets tired he ask if it is “getting dark soon”, even at noon he asks. But we have had to start working on weeks now too. Grandma and Grandpa Caughell are coming to visit on the 19th. He overheard us talking about it on the phone and for 3 or 4 days asked MANY times a day. “Grama, Grampa come now.” So we got out the red marker to mark off the days. Tomorrow will be 10 days left, so now we can start counting with our fingers, maybe that will slow down the questions. Ha! Ha!


So that has been our last couple of weeks. Jeremiah is definitely keeping us on our toes. He is so funny and we continue to enjoy him so much (minus the discipline times). Here is a picture of his first piece of corn on the cob. He gnawed off all the corn he could see. He loved it!

Hope you are all doing well!

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  1. BecABoo

     /  September 9, 2009

    I love the pics of Jeremiah! Especially the one of him eating the corn! I love corn and corn on the cob!! Glad he likes it too!! It's amazing on how much he is learning and really comprehening!!

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