Blog for the Boys

34 months - 2 yrs 10 mon
Hello everyone,

Anyone else wondering how October got here so quickly? We had a very busy month, but had tons of fun too.

Our month can pretty much be summed up with getting ready for Grandma & Grandpa, having Grandma & Grandpa here, recuperating from having Grandma & Grandpa here. Jeremiah had a great time with them. He loved that everything revolved around him. We got to go to the Zoo in San Diego and we ate out a lot, which Jeremiah loves. It was really nice warm weather for most of the time, so we were able to go to the beach a couple of times and play in the pool almost every day they were here. We didn’t really “do” a lot, but it was great to hang out and have fun. The week went by really fast.

Grandma & Grandpa brought many different farm toys for Jeremiah to play with. I am pretty sure he is only 2 (almost 3 year old) in San Diego County that knows what it is to “auger corn”. W e have told several people about the auger and they just look at us like okay. Jeremiah continues to play with the popcorn and tractors and “scoopers”, daily.

Jeremiah still loves puzzles. Grandma got him a 24 piece one and it took him only a couple of times before he could do it all by himself. He can’t wait until he turns 3 and can do the “monkey puzzle”. It is 100 pieces and I thought he wouldn’t be able to do it, but now I am thinking he might just pull it off.

We went to Athena’s house last week and did a craft morning. They did 4 or 5 crafts. Jeremiah loved it. He was so excited to show Andy everything he had made. He was also really excited to play in the backyard there too though. So the attention span is still short!

He is becoming better and better at playing by himself. He played outside today for quite a while without me being right there with him. He constantly wants us to come play with him, so it was good to see him play by himself.

Jeremiah has been waking up before his green light goes on (the best clock in the world, if I haven’t told you yet!!!). He has been saying he has to go to the bathroom, but he really wants to sit up and read. He is still doing a great job staying in bed though.


Since Grandma & Grandpa left we have done a couple of trips. We went to the Wild Animal Park. There is a picture of Jeremiah by the female lion. It is amazing how close he gets. (She left after the picture was taken. Gee I wonder why?) Then this week we went to the Science Museum in San Diego. It was free Tuesday. Jeremiah was SO excited he could touch the things in the museum this time (he couldn’t touch at the airplane museum). He loved pushing all the buttons and watching things change. His favorite was making magnetic clouds (metal filings floating down through the water). There was an optical illusion where you stick your hand in and try to grab the spring. It looks like it is right in front of you, but your hand goes “right through it”. So I had Jeremiah do it. The little booger kept feeling around until he found the real spring attached underneath the opening. All of a sudden I see his little fingers on top of the “spring” in front of us. Leave it to Jeremiah to figure out what was really happening.

We also celebrated Andy’s birthday by going to Chinese. In the process we discovered that Jeremiah is not good at keeping secrets. He came home and told Daddy about going to the pie shop to order his pie. He didn’t tell him about the mall before that where we got his present. So that was good, until the next day when he told Daddy we got him tools. Of course Andy thought it was hilarious. I guess that might not be a bad thing for him not to keep secrets.

Jeremiah has been singing like crazy. Grandpa gave him a CD and he pretty much has the songs memorized. However he likes to put his own word in them too.

The word of the month this month is “Maybe”. “Maybe I see that, Mommy”. “‘I saw a bulldozer, Mommy.’ ‘You did?’ ‘Maybe I see one Mommy…Maybe'” I must say I like it much better than “No” and “Why”. We have been battling Jeremiah arguing with us. I think he just wants to disagree because half the time it doesn’t make sense what he is arguing about and the other half it doesn’t even have to do with him. So, you win some and you lose some right?

The last week and a half has gotten cool here, so we had to get Jeremiah new long sleeve pajamas. You would have thought we had taking him to the moon he was so excited to get his pajamas. Poor Sarah, I think she has heard about them 20 times in a matter of 2 days. He loves to be wrapped up and in jackets. He just grins and grins. He is such a sweaty little boy (that hasn’t changed) I can’t believe he can stand it, but he loves it. He found his robe last night and came down with the biggest grin to show Andy. I must say it fits better now than it did in the spring.

He has definitely grown taller, but he actually stayed right around 40 lbs this month. Last I checked, a couple weeks ago, he was 38 1/2 inches. I am not so sure he hasn’t grown more since them. It seems like he is catching up with Isaac, who is a year older than he is.

So Jeremiah is on countdown. He can understand what Trick or Treating is this year. (Be ready Iwasakis for a trick or treater!) He has asked me at least 3 times today when Halloween is. This countdown has taken the place of “when Isaac’s birthday?” After Andy’s birthday he asked “who next?”. We had talked about it in September that Isaac’s Daddy’s birthday was coming up, then Daddy’s. Then after that Isaac would have a birthday and then it would be his. So he has forgotten about his birthday because you get to ring doorbells and get candy. He is quite excited. And thanks to stores having Christmas stuff out already and us preparing for Operation Christmas Child, I get a “when be Christmas?” every now and then. It is interesting the priorities he has.

Ok, I will quit babbling. As you can tell things are busier than ever and we are being “kept on our toes!” Hope all is well with you!


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