Blog for the Boys

Me and Mommy

DSC09545 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.


DSC09524 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Covered in paint and wanting to clean up.

These might be a little too big.

DSC09533 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC.

Hello Everyone, You would think it was the middle of July here in California. It has been hot and humid. If any of you have seen the latest video on the blog, you will notice the lack of clothes on Jeremiah. He is such a sweat ball, it has just been easier to wear only […]

Here are some video clips of Jeremiah playing and singing.

DSC09496Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah has started liking to wear sunglasses

New Haircut

DSC09506 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. Jeremiah got a haircut

I don’t know…

DSC09494 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. I don’t know why he likes this, but for the last few days he wants to be wrapped up in his blanket.

Tricks on a 4 Wheeler

DSC09476 Originally uploaded by Jigsaw HC. We’ve been watching videos of people doing tricks on 4 wheelers. here is Jeremiah trying to do the same tricks.

Hello everyone, It is amazing to me how much happens in such a short amount of time. I feel like I just wrote and yet there are several things that have happened in the last couple of weeks. Jeremiah has gotten really good at identifying pictures, especially ones of animals. He can say the names […]

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