Blog for the Boys

That kid in the mirror is funny. My first Christmas present I opened this year was this cool truck. Thanks Dad. This snow stuff is funny. Dang! I look good. Yeah! Mom’s making me breakfast. Grandpa taught me how to catch snow in my mouth.

Sorry about the bottom half of me and mommy getting cut off. Dad took the picture while driving (at a red light of course) so he only got one shot at it and he could not tell exactly where he was aiming the camera. Anyway, as you can sort of see I get my mad […]

We took this photo a few minutes ago and thought it was funny. We’ve got a lot of great shots of Jeremiah from the last couple weeks that I’ve not had a chance to post yet, but I’ll try to get to them soon.

We’ve got a bunch of video clips from Jeremiah’s birthday. This one is of Jeremiah eating his cake on his birthday. To see the others just follow thin links below the video. Opening Gifts at Jeremiah’s Birthday Party Jeremiah Opening Gifts and Playing With Them Jeremiah Playing at His Party and Eating Cake Opening Gifts […]

Oh, the memories of a year ago! He was so little. I now understand the comments of everyone else a year ago. We went to the doctor today. He is 19lbs 4oz and 30 inches long. You would never guess he was that skinny if you looked at what all he ate, but if you […]

We made it 1 year and 12 hours without going to the emergency room. This morning Jeremiah fell over and hit his head pretty good so we took him to get it checked out. The picture is a few hours later and the bump is down to about half its original size.

We had Jeremiah’s First Birthday Party yesterday. It is so weird to think he will be one on Thursday! Jeremiah had a great time with just a few friends from out here. He was actually very social and loved running around the big room in the clubhouse. We had a football cake for him and […]

Mommy bakes cookies and left them to close to the edge of the table. So, I reached up and grabbed the closest one. It was yummy. I only got one bite before Mommy took it away. That mad me sad. So, I asked for more.

Eddie and Lindsay came to visit me tonight. We had a lot of fun playing Guitar Hero and eating brownies and ice cream. I hope they come to visit again real soon because when they come over I get to eat desert with Daddy.

Me and Mommy watching the dolphins Walking around with the train I found I like the Iwasaki’s slide But I like Kevin giving me rides on the skateboard more

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