Blog for the Boys

Jeremiah Playing with Water and Destroying a Kleenex

10 months – that is almost a year! It is so crazy to think. Jeremiah has stayed about the same height and weight this month. Looking back and comparing his 6 month and 9 month pictures, you can definitely see the changes. He seems more like a little boy now than a chubby baby. Jeremiah […]

Brushing my lack of teeth. Playing in the water At the beach with Great Grandma Mom putting me in the ocean

Jeremiah playing and walking.

Lots of photos today.

Jeremiah Playing and Being Goofy

Jeremiah taking his first steps without help.

Hello everyone! We have now hit the 9 month mark. I thought 8 months was an active age! Overall Jeremiah is doing well. He has been fighting a cold the last several days, so that has been rough. But he just keeps going. It is so hard to get exact measurements of him. Andy says […]

Jeremiah playing with a pen and saying “banana”.

Playing in the laundry Being goofy Playing Standing and clapping

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