Blog for the Boys

Video of Jeremiah’s first time eating rice cereal.

Jeremiah had his first “solid food”on Wednesday.Here are a couple photos of him in action.

Video Clips from Easter

Here are a couple photos from Easter. I’ll get the Easter video clips we took up today or tomorrow.

Hello everyone, We went in today for Jeremiah’s 4 month appointment. It is hard to believe 4 months have flown by. He is now 14 lbs. 15 oz. (50th percentile), 25 3/4 in. (78th percentile) and his head is 17 in. around (70th percentile).. So he is long and skinny. The doctor says he is […]

Jeremiah was playing on his stomach. He got mad about being on his stomach and rolled over.

Jeremiah decided today that he doesn’t like sitting so he stood up instead.

A couple quick photos.

Jeremiah Talking and Playing

Hi Everyone! What a busy month we have had! Jeremiah was 3 months old about aweek and a half ago. It is so hard to believe. I was looking at theChristmas picture and boy is there a difference! We had a terrific time in Indiana. We saw A LOT of people and a lotof snow! […]

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