Blog for the Boys

Due date is today….no baby yet.

Hello. I know you are anxiously awaiting the updated news, considering some of youhave already contacted me. The update is there is no update. I am at thesame place as far as dilation is concerned. The heartbeat was 126 so thatwas good. I actually lost a little weight, I have ankles today, so I ampretty […]

Hi,Well, I am a little less than 1 cm dilated. Which means it could beany day or in 3 weeks, but at least there is something happening.The baby has really had some good kicks in the last two days, somaybe that means he is trying to figure a way out! The baby is headdown and […]

I forgot to let you all know. My next appointment is Tuesday morning. The doctor is out on Wed-Fri for Thanksgiving, so we had to go earlier. Also Andy keeps updating the prediction list below, so if you haven’t looked at it for a while you may want to! 🙂 Nichole

Hi everyone!Well I had an appointment today and the big new is…there is nothing happening. I have not dilated at all,so probably no baby soon. Which is really not a bigdeal as I have 11 days to go to my due date. My blood pressure is good and baby is still growing. He kicked the […]

We had another doctor’s visit today. The baby is head down and ready to go, now we just wait. (And pray he doesn’t decide to switch) He moved like CRAZY last night as I was trying to fall asleep. It was like he was trying to find whatever way out he could. Everything still looks […]

Nichole has been asking people when they think the baby will be born. Here is what we’ve got so far. November 16 – Jerrod & The Garners (at 12:15pm)November 20 – Brooks Family & KyleNovember 21 – Aunt PegNovember 22 – KatieNovember 23 – AprilNovember 24 – Grandma Maxine & Pastor MattNovember 25 – TerriNovember […]

Hello again, Doesn’t it seem like I just e-mailed. We had another appointment today and found out we are going to have weekly appointments until the baby comes. So we will see how many we have before the baby decides to make his appearance. All was well at the appointment. I had a little bit […]

Here is Nichole at 35 Weeks.

Hello All, Well I have made it to 35 weeks! That means 5 more to go, or for those of you who prefer months, 1 month from this Saturday! Yikes! Time is really flying by. I had a doctor’s appointment today and all seems well. He looked at my kick count for about 2 seconds, […]

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